Home Videos Dr Vinay Bajrangi Famous Astrologer Appears In Hindustan Times On 22042018

Get Your Business Problems Resolved


Ht City Delhi 22.04.18- Get Your Business Problems Resolved

Vedic astrology looks deeply into the symptoms of a business issues holding success in business. For some, the business may not take off at all; some would not find the gains adequate even after a complete indulgence. Some other could experience a periodic wave of losses which would wipe away the profits and for some other, although they run the show brilliantly, they would find hard to manage the credits.    

The flawed common practice undertaken by most astrologers in each of the above cases is to elevate the astrological House/Bhav taking care of the business issues and as a result, people are seen undergoing weird rituals hoping to come out their miseries. While there is no offense in doing rituals for inciting the Almighty for intervention but without altering and coming in line to the right Karma, the native may not experience any benefit but on the contrary may land up with a shaken faith while cursing the astrologer and the rituals alike.

There are infinite mathematical equations embedded in a horoscope to be read.  If the variables in these formularies are tested by one who is competent, the outcome can be known or on the converse, for a known outcome the variables can be adjusted. In other words, rather than trying for making the things happen one should alter the path to suit the desired result.

The astrologers tragically involve in committing and prescribing for those things that could never happen because instead of reading the God sent document, i.e., the horoscope, they indulge in appeasing Him to change what even the creator cannot.

One requires a transparent reading with able guidance to modulate path to resolve the business issues and achieve the goals. Everyone has a minuscule amount of wealth decimating Yogas in him, let not because of foolishness activate the Daridra Yoga ( Pauper Yoga),  Akhand Rinn Yoga(Unbreakable Loan Yoga), Unmaad Yoga (Insane Yoga), Raj-Tyag Yoga (Insolvent Yoga) and the likes in oneself. Get an in-depth astrological reading which will not for sure,  ask you to pacify certain planets which no one can, but would show the path of least resistance and feeblest financial burden. Connect with Dr Vinay Bajrangi best Jyotish for love astrology and free astrology. Read more on his website and blogs.