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Horoscope Matching | Kundli Matching | Marriage Matching

Horoscope matching normally talks about gun matching points, and the presence of major doshas, Nadi Dosha, Bhakoot dosha and gana dosha, which contribute to 21 out of 36 points, become the main criterion to say Yes or No to a marriage. Another important factor in marriage matching is the presence of Mangal Dosha. But do you know over 75% of people termed as Manglik may not be Manglik at all. And even if one partner is Manglik, there is a high chance that the opposite horoscope can nullify this. So, do not say yes or no to any proposal without checking the possibility of cancellation/counterbalancing these doshas.
That is where this page can differ from many others that you have learned or read so far. The first step, of course, is to check the Ashta Koot Milan, which can be done through the free Kundali matching calculator below.
Caution: If you think birth chart analysis for marriage matching and Gun matching are the same, then you are only half-correct! Relying only on Gun matching can still cause marriage problems. It is just 20% of a comprehensive Kundli matching. Horoscope matching, primarily responsible for your happy married life, can't be concluded entirely with an automatic calculator giving 'Yes' or 'No' based on an Ashtkoot Guna matching score. The comprehensive Kundli matching as per birth date performed by an expert astrologer considers Nakshatra matching, Karaka matching, in-depth analysis of the D-1 and D-9 or Navamsha chart in detail, and considering the running Dasha and transit. All these factors significantly influence the success or failure of any marriage.

The report you get here is just the beginning. Gun Matching is not the ultimate deciding factor for a successful marriage. Even with a low score, you can still say yes to marriage. So, forget about the online horoscope matching where below 18 is not a good match, above 18 is a good match and above 30 is an excellent match.
Horoscope Matching Reveals Many Secrets About Your Future Marriage
Arranged or love marriage predictions by date of birth can reveal many secrets about your future marriage. You may know whether your partner will get involved in an extramarital affair, whether there will be a problem in childbirth, whether your partner will leave his job or get a promotion after marriage, whether you will move abroad or away from your birthplace after marriage, will your partner share amiable relations with your parents, will you have good relations with your in-laws etc. whatever you want to know about your future marriage life can be answered through horoscope matching by date of birth. You can ask the following questions:
Don't base marriage decisions solely on Guna matching scores-CASE-STUDIES
One should not accept or reject a marriage proposal based on a Gun matching score. There are many cases when a Kundli match with a low score is accepted for marriage, while the one with a high score is rejected. Read two case histories to explain the point even better:
Case study-1: The Ashtakoot matching score was 10.5 out of 36. There were major doshas like Nadi and Bhakoot dosha. However, the compatibility score improved tremendously. How? Their Moon signs were Libra and Taurus. Thus, the same ruler caused the cancellation of the Bhakoot Dosha. The moon nakshatra lords were Moon and Jupiter, friends; thus, Nadi dosha which mainly deals with progeny and is essential in child birth prediction, was also cancelled. The score increased to 25.5 out of 36, indicating a 70% compatibility. However, achieving this high score requires skilled astrological interpretation, which not all astrologers can accomplish.
Case study 2: Despite a matching score of 27 out of 36, a marriage was given a "NO". Why? There was no Mangal Dosha, and the Nadi Dosha and Bhakoot Dosha were cancelled. But while Karaka matched, it was found that the main Karakas (Venus, Jupiter, and Seventh House lords) in both partners' charts were not favourable. Both charts indicate challenges for a good alliance. While the D-9 charts show some improvement in certain aspects, overall compatibility remains below average. Therefore, despite the improved Ashtakoot score, the recommendation suggests not proceeding with the marriage.
Manglik dosha apprehension: Over 50% of people who feel they are Manglik causing rejections in proposals, may not be Manglik at all.
Astham house Mangal dosha also have many solutions.
Thus, never base your marriage decision solely on the Gun matching score. Taking an astrological consultation or a personalized voice report is always advisable for better understanding and wise decisions.
Why Horoscope Matching Is Important?
Better than explaining the importance of Kundli Matching, we want to explain what Kundli matching can provide. A comprehensive Kundli matching by birth chart ensures a happy married life by bringing two partners together who think, act, react, adjust, and sacrifice harmoniously for each other. The marriage prospers when two partners are readily available for each other's happiness and needs. Remember that life and relationships can change completely after marriage, whether it is an arranged or love marriage. This distinction no longer matters once you are married. As per marriage predictions by birth chart, matching charts is not about scoring points but understanding the strengths and weaknesses of their birth charts. This helps to see how one partner's strengths can balance the other's weaknesses. A marriage with comprehensive Kundli matching is problem-free, where partners enjoy real marital bliss in every aspect.
Ashtkoota Score: Cancellation of Dosha in Marriage Match-making
The result of Ashtkoota Milan for anyone is in the score range of 0 to 36 in the above online horoscope matching for marriage. This compatibility zodiac calculator shows the results in eight (therefore called Ashta koot) subhead heads, namely:
1. Varna Koot: Compatibility towards nature & workability. This gets one point in the Kundli matching by name.
2. Vashya Koot: Compatibility in mutual relations and attraction. This matching gets 2 points for Kundali matching by name.
3. Tara Koot: Compatibility of mutual behaviour and trust. This gets 3 points in kundli matching for marriage.
4. Yoni Koot: Compatibility shows sex and physical attraction. This gets 4 points in kundali matching by date of birth.
5. Rashi Koot: Matching shows mental compatibility. This gets 5 points in horoscope matching by name.
6. Gana Koot: Compatibility relates to lifestyle compatibility. This gets 6 points in horoscope matching by name.
7. Bhakoota: Compatibility relates to Nakshatra matching. This gets 7 points for horoscope matching by name.
8. Nadi Koot: Matching relates to the compatibility of the couple's intrinsic energy and progeny competence. In Horoscope matching, this gets 8 points.
The most feared are the Gana Koot, Bhakoot, Nadi Koot or Nadi Dosha because they carry maximum weightage. The Nadi Dosha carries the maximum weightage point-wise, i.e. 8, and is an essential factor in childbirth prediction. Nadi Dosha decides whether the couple will get the happiness of children. There are, however, cancellations to these, which an astrologer can aptly judge. Even though you get the desired online horoscope matching for marriage, that is just twenty per cent of the matching. The rest, eighty per cent, can be assessed with the help of an astrologer.
Get Online Report for a Perfect Horoscope Matching
Astrological rules for the best Kundli matching
This can get complicated for those who have little or no knowledge of Vedic astrology. I will explain the rules to be observed for the best Kundli matching for various dosha like bhakoot milan in horoscope. Those not interested in astrological analogies may skip this section. However, explaining these points makes this site the best marriage matching site by date of birth.
1. Planetary compatibility in Horoscope matching:-
The planets are important to evaluate
The Ascendant lord and moon of both the horoscopes.
7th house Lord of both the horoscopes.
Then to consider are Venus and Jupiter.
We superimpose the horoscope of both marriage aspirants to evaluate the planets' position with respect to each other. Some positions, like 6/8 & 2/12, are not good planetary combinations for a marriage. In the same way, if there are intrinsically bad planets in any sensitive bhav, it is not considered good for horoscope matching.
The combination of Sun and Mars, Sun with Rahu or Ketu in the family bhav ( 2,4,7,8 and 12) is not good in horoscope matching. In the same way, Saturn and Mars in this family are not good for marriage-matching.
2. Bhava compatibility in Horoscope matching
Next is the Bhav Compatibility. For this, if Lagna of both the horoscopes is the same, it is considered good. If Lagna signs are trinal or Kendra to each other, it is considered a good match. Combinations other than these are not considered good for horoscope matching.
3. Navamsha compatibility in Horoscope matching for marriage
The Navamsha compatibility check is a repetition of planetary & Bhav compatibility done in the Lagna, or ascendant chart explained above. Navamsha compatibility matching shows that the horoscopes have soul compatibility from the previous birth. This compatibility indicates horoscope matching for marriage as it shows the connection between both persons from the previous birth.
4. Mangal or Kuja compatibility in horoscope matching
A check on the placement of planet Mars is important for getting marital bliss. It is recommended to get is checked by a competent astrologer as there are many misconceptions about Mangal Dosha. Under free horoscope matching check on the Mars-Dosha for yourself.
5. Affliction to 2nd house
2nd house is the Kutumb Sthana. It shows prosperity & parental lineage. Any affliction to 2nd house in either of the charts is not good for a happy married life. Therefore, an astrologer must not overlook this factor.
6. Affliction to 4th house
4th house is the Sukh Sthana, i.e., the chances of suffering after marriage. An afflicted 4th house spoils happiness in marriage. Therefore, astrologers must ensure that there are no afflictions to the 4th house in either of the birth charts being matched for marriage.
7. Kalatra Bhav in marriage matching
Kalantra bhav is the 7th house in the birth chart. The astrologer must check that there are no afflictions in the 7th house of either of the charts being matched for marriage.
8. Shaiya Sukh Sthana
The 12th house in the horoscope examines a person's sexual pleasures. In the present times, with extended social exposures and compulsions, it is essential to check the legitimacy of sexual desires a person will have post-marital.
9. Trishamsa check-in charts matching for marriage
This is the final step towards an online matching horoscope for marriage: a deep examination of D-30 called a Trishamsa check. This shows the female character and can reveal a few points like extramarital flings, Widow Yoga, Adultery, and the reputation of the female family with the marriages. We see sexual compatibility, family and mutual relationship compatibility, and the compatibility to adjust in different situations.
The above nine points, along with the Ashta koot points (Nakshatra Matching), are the factors that have to match for complete horoscope matching, which is never covered in free Horoscope matching for marriage.
The result of following the above Astrological rules
Once the free horoscope matching or kundli milan for marriage is checked, then it is essential to get the above points counter-checked by an experienced astrologer. You will always get a spouse with the qualities in your dreams.
You get a sexually compatible partner.
You get a financially compatible partner.
You get a compatible family of in-laws.
You get a mentally sound spouse.
Mutual respect always remains among the partners.
You get an adjusting partner.
Age compatibility between the partners: No one leaves this earth very early.
Longevity of marriage
Infidelity is banished
1. What if Nadi Dosha or Bhakoot Dosha is present in the Kundali?
These doshas can cause problems in bearing a child and a lack of compatibility between partners. However, remedies like pujas, mantras, and consulting an astrologer can help reduce their negative effects.
2. Can Kundali matching predict a happy and successful marriage?
It assesses compatibility but doesn’t guarantee happiness; mutual understanding and effort are key to a successful marriage.
3. What happens if Manglik Dosha is found in the horoscope?
Manglik Dosha may cause conflicts or delays in marriage, but remedies like Kumbh Vivah, fasting, or chanting Mars-related mantras can help.
4. Can Kundali matching help in avoiding divorce or separation?
Yes, it helps identify potential conflicts, but maintaining a marriage depends on trust, commitment, and personal efforts.
5. Are planetary remedies available for Kundali mismatches?
Yes, remedies like mantras, gemstones, rituals, and charity can help balance mismatched planetary influences.
About Dr. Vinay Bajrangi
One should know how to judge a good astrologer than going by the name. The best astrologer is the one who believes more in Astrology based on the Karmic theory than only following rituals and remedies Know More...
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