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Turn your failure into success in a go

failure into success

Journey of failure to success - identify success factors 

The journey of failure to success cannot be spontaneous but there have to some success factors. Now the people who are enlightened about these success factors surely keep the journey of failure to success moving & keep enjoying.   

What's the point in starting a factory which does not produce; what if the deals start on a good note but do not yield the desired results; imagine what if the most certain things do not happen. The list of those things that one has imagined but do not finish the way they should, occur numerous times, but it is more agonising when everything that one tries for, meets the same fate, i.e., gives no results.  Do not get yourself labelled as a good starter and not a strong finisher, because if this feeling gets entrapped in the mind then even those with the strongest Lagna (Ascendant) can go in deep negativism. That is where astrology helps you in converting your failure to success.

A property broker finding it difficult to finalise deals, a job seeker waiting endlessly for that final affirmative nod from the employer, deals getting stuck without any headway, the perfect matrimonial match eluding, the endless waiting for a permit to fly and settle abroad, and that promotion taking ages to happen are the few examples of situations that perplexes everyone, and leaves them thinking what stops their failure to success.

There is a property consultant who was in a terrible state because most of his deals slipped away from his hands, and his patience and funds were dwindling. An ardently religious person, he travelled places to seek the guidance of illustrious astrologers, but his fate seemed sealed. His horoscope had promises but was not read and handled correctly. He was losing his customers to his competitors and the desperation to strike a deal was not taking him anywhere. How I helped him karmically is elaborately explained in my blog section. Read a relevant story of failure to success.  Meet Dr Vinay Bajrangi who also provides free astrology and astrology on phone.  Read more on his blogs.